Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I hate medicine.

Two summers ago I read parts of Kevin Trudeau’s Natural Cures book. He talked about different medicines and medical procedures that harm your body. He states that there are tons and tons of natural remedies that can “cure” your illnesses. He also reveals the deep dark secret about our world, and how the FDA and the pharmaceutical industry don’t mean anything but business when it comes to our “health.” That business is, da da da dunnnn, MONEY!

Nevertheless, I abandoned medicine long before laying my hands on that book. And today, why am I talking about this—fox news has recently done a story about pain relievers such as Tylenol, and Advil. Apparently, these two brands will be carrying a “bolder warning” about the risk of severe liver damage and or stomach bleeding. As a matter of fact, products containing acetaminophen, such as Johnson & Johnson’s Tylenol, will also be bolding their warnings. Other drugs like Bayer AG’s aspirin products and Wyeth’s Advil and Johnson & Johnson’s Motrin will also be bolding warnings about the risks of stomach bleeding.

Someone shed some light on me. How can our society care more about MONEY then the well being and health of our nation? When it comes to natural cures, most people I have talked to about the issue throw the idea out the window and argue that if there were such natural cures, why wouldn’t the FDA make it public…it’s only right! Well, I don’t have a clue, but I do know that I’m gonna let my immune system do it’s thing and if that isn’t enough—I’m gonna consider every natural remedy before I even think about taking any for of over the counter drug!

Cancer—B17 & apricot kernels.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

We are being visited...

What on earth, better yet, what in the universe?! An Apollo 14 astronaut told a group of UFOlogists Monday, that aliens are not a myth and the government needs to disclose their findings. “’It is now time to put away this embargo of truth about the alien presence,’ Edgar D. Mitchell, who made the longest moonwalk in history, told those attending a conference in Gaithersburg, MD.” Mitchell emphasized that he wants the government to open up and the Paradigm Research group that held the conference also demanded that president Obama’s administration release all information concerning extraterrestrial beings.

Stephen Basset of PRG said “If it does not disclose, by the end of May - this is not a threat or anything, you don't threaten the United States government, they're heavily armed ... the PRG has an enormous and substantial network, and quite a bit of documentary evidence connected to this, particularly politically ... and we are going to be extensively putting that out to the media, and we're just going to make it as difficult on them as possible.” The knowledge of extraterrestrial beings in not only known by the US, but by other nations, and if the US doesn’t disclose their information to the public, other nations just might beat them to it. Many have been forbidden to mention their encounters with UFOs but with recent release in 2008, Britain declassified a batch of Ministry of Defense files identifying flying objects. With this, other people who have lived in fear of speaking about their encounters have formerly been able to talk about them. Within the Washington Times article, it also discusses how many people about been abducted for extraterrestrial beings. It is said that there are chips within their bodies that the “aliens” can monitor us humans.

Okay really, what the hell?! I don’t know how to take any of this! I mean when I was little I thought I “saw” stuff in the sky…but I was little. My goodness, May is just around the corner.

P E A C E be with us.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Your Body is a Wonderland

“Don’t swallow the seeds of the watermelon or it’s going to start to grow in your stomach.”

You know, at one point of my life, I sincerely thought that was true. I made sure I avoided swallowing any watermelon seed, or any seed for that matter. BUT, once, or thrice I slipped. To my surprise nothing ever happened. From that point on, I can say that I consumed a fair share of seeds in my life will no side affects.

Sadly, in Russia this was not the case for 28-year old Artyom Sidorkin. According to Mosnews.com, Sidorkin went to the hospital after complaining about severe pain in his chest area and the coughing up of blood. The doctors found that he had a tumor in his lung and immediately thinking that it was cancerous, they decided that the next step would be to remove it.

Upon the removal of the tissue, doctors found that the tumor was not cancerous at all. In fact, the tumor had a 5 centimeter branch which was later determined to be a little fir. The needles of the plant were poking at his lung, causing him to cough up blood. The doctors also concluded that Sidorkin could not possibly swallow a 5 centimeter plant and that somewhere along the way he had to have either inhaled a small bud or swallowed a fir seed.

CRAZY! I guess there’s a first for everything, poor Sidorkin. But on the bright side, thank goodness it was no watermelon.

Monday, April 6, 2009

For my gray-haired lover

The scientists have considered studying your “issues” too. A European team of scientists have studied why our hair turns gray. Sadly to say, it has nothing to do with wisdom, I know a stab in the heart. It does have to do with hydrogen peroxide though.

“Going gray is caused by a massive build up of hydrogen peroxide due to wear and tear of our hair follicles.” Our hair has a natural pigment known as melanin, which is responsible for hair color, skin color, and eye color. The hydrogen peroxide blocks this synthesis within our hair follicles. Our bodies produce a limited amount of hydrogen peroxide, and as we gain our years of life, we eventually produce more and more hydrogen peroxide, hence a build up. Due to everyone’s genetics being different, some people will notice their gray hair earlier in life. However, it has been said that Asians experience gray hair at a much slower rate then Caucasians---I beg to differ from my experience, but I am no scientist, rather an observer.

On the bright side, gray hair is said to be a side-effect of long living, so if you have gray hair at a young age or at an older age, cheers to you for showing a sign of good health. Flaunt it.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

"Kid Hulk"

In Michigan, 3 year old Liam (sp) has a rare genetic condition which gives him extreme muscular strength. In this video Foxnews refers to him as a little hulk. Apparently he is very strong and can do things which involve muscles that most men cannot do. At just two days old he could stand! At three he is lifting up furniture and eating six whole meals a day. This kid even has a 6-pack that is well defined. Aside from his defined abs, he is not over weight nor does he look different from kids who do not have this Myostatin related Muscletrophy.

There have only been 100 recorded cases of people with this genetic condition. It was first discovered in beef cattle mice in the 90s. The first human case was brought up in 2000, but the first recorded case in medical literature wasn’t available until 2004.

By studying his condition, scientist might be able to mimic his condition and create a drug that can be at the aid with people who suffer from muscle wasting disorders. Dr. Katrina Firlick stated that muscular wasting is most commonly seen in cancer, aids, and even aging, but if there was a drug that could mimic Myostatin related Muscletrophy we could furthermore advance in our health.

The obvious is that in turn, if the drug were developed, there will be a possibility that it could also be abused. Steroids, for example, can only a lot for 10-15 percent more muscular growth, but the odds are still there.

Quite frankly, I think the human body is amazing, and until today, I didn’t know “hulk” capabilities were even possible. I just wish this kind of news along with other health updates were made more available for the public eye.

Shows just how creative our God is and that anything is possible.