Wednesday, March 18, 2009

In Australia, a boy of the age of ten died due to an ear infection. It was reported that the house he was living in was no where near healthy standards. Apparently it reeked with the stench of feces, rotten food, sweat, and urine. There were layers and layers of garbage around the house, and yet a grown adult who was the boy’s mother and his sister lived there as well. The boy was complaining about his ear and he had a fever as well as a bloody ear. He was taken to a local health clinic where they suggested that he be taken to hospital for immediate and proper treatment. Instead of taking the advice, his mother chose to take him home and give him antibiotics she saw fit. Jared Roberts died twenty minutes later.
For goodness sake!
First of all, motherly instincts—take your kid to the damn hospital for treatment. And second, you have two kids to be concerned with, why the hell is your house in that condition?! I can’t imagine anyone that would allow their living space to get so out of hand and see hands on that it is affecting their family.
Where are our priorities? Where do we draw the line between wellness and laziness? Things seem to be going downhill these days. There needs to be a change, and like the first blog on this site… the changes starts with us.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Domestic abuse occurs in all walks of life. With the recent event of Chris Brown and Rhianna proves that celebrities are not exempt. It remains a "secret" case everyone wants to know about, but the media keeps the public informed on their every move. It's not something that's to be taken lightly though. Domestic abuse is real and can be fatal. The sad part is that not every if any incidents are reported. With the industry that both parties are from, there is minimal respect for women. In the fashion and music industry, it is both direct and indirect that males are dominant and women are merely objects.

Both Chris Brown and Rhianna are both successful musicians, they are both human and make mistakes. With their social status and wealth, they aren't treated as regular citizens, but if their situation gets worse, it could end up like O.J. Simpson and Nicole Brown. Being a celebrity has its perks, but "if you do the crime, you need to do the time." Unfortunately, Chris Brown probably won't.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

All around our dear great world.
In London, 14 people arrested for knife possession within the past two weeks.
In Glasgow, teens from Real Calton Tong gang fear walking past a sport complex because of the fear of being stabbed to death.
In Durham, a driver found a woman dead near Ellis road.
In Torquay, the stabbing of a 43-year old man led to the arrest of a 20-year old hero who returned from Iraq.
In Johannesburg, four schoolboys were charged with the stabbing of a 17-year old Greenside High school student.
In Honolulu, another stabbing of an innocent victim occurs a month after stabbings at Koko Head.
What on earth is going on! This time, I’m focusing on stabbings because it’s just too close to home. What is the drive, what is their drive? Is it something within the human brain that demands absurd behavior or the need to satisfy violent acts? These crimes are as random as they can get; happening to all sorts of people performed by all kinds of statuses. Thank you captain obvious—schoolboys, heroes, gangs, The Unstable. Is there one particular way that we can address this? Are we to watch out for suspicious acts and be the watchdogs for ourselves? Are we to warn others of harmful acts? Who are we suppose to tell, the one right beside us? How are we to be sure that that very one beside us is not the one who will harm us? Or is it us that will inflict harm upon someone else?
Whatever happened to the good old days when we could walk into a store for ten minutes, having left our car unlocked without the fear of someone robbing our vehicle, let alone stealing the entire thing? Whatever happened to the good old days when we could take our families to parks without the notion of having some prick fuck preying on our loved ones? Whatever happened to the good old days when we could take a morning job without being harassed? Whatever happened to the good old days when we could go to sleep peacefully without having our kids hear the sound of a dying man who had just been severely beaten?
Whatever happened to the good old safe days?
Be courteous to all, intimate with few, and let those be well tried before you give them your confidence.
Pray because all that’s left is to…
Let Go, and Let God.